D for the period between january 2004 and march 2007 , the mortgage rate of floating rate mortgages will move in line with the movements implied from the pricing of 90 - day libor futures contract dated 16 january 2004 2004年1月至2007年3月的浮息按揭息率将跟随于2004年1月16日的90日欧洲美元利率期货反映的未来利率走势。
欧洲美元: Eurodollar利率: an interest rate亚洲美元利率: asian dollar rate欧洲美元存款利率: eurodollar deposit rate欧洲美元贷款利率: euro-loan rate短期美元利率: short-term dollar interest rates欧洲美元: euro dollar; eurocollars; eurodollar欧洲美元比率: eurodollar rate欧洲美元存款: euro dollar deposit欧洲美元期货: eurodollar futures欧洲美元市场: euro dollar market; european dollar market欧洲美元系统: euro dollar system; euro-dollar system欧洲美元债券: euro dollar bonds; european dollar bonds欧洲美元货币存款: euro-dollar deposits欧洲美元可转换公司债: ecb; euroconvertible bonds欧洲美元可转让定期存单: eurodollar cds亚洲美元: asian dollar; asiandollar新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券: new straight euro-dollar bond offerings新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额: new straight eurodollar bond offerings港元利率期货: hong kong dollar interest rate futures亚洲美元市场: asian dollar market; asian-dollar market亚洲美元债券: asian dollar bonds; asiandollar bonds港元利率期货迭期: hibor futures strip港元利率期货叠期: hibor futures strip欧洲美国银行: european american banking corporation