新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...直接: direct; immediate以: use; take欧洲美元: Eurodollar发行: issue; distributing and rele ...债券: bond; debenture; debenture s ...新的直接以欧洲美元发行的债券额: new straight eurodollar bond offerings欧洲美元债券: euro dollar bonds; european dollar bonds新发行的债券: new issue bond核准发行的债券: aurhorized bond; authorized bonds批准发行的债券: bonds authorized政府发行的债券: government stocks英国政府(通过英格兰银行)直接发行的债券: tap stock欧洲美元: euro dollar; eurocollars; eurodollar按较大折扣发行的债券: deep discount bonds按面值折价发行的债券: discount bond按面值折扣发行的债券: discount bond无息按折扣发行的债券: non interest bearing discount bond; non-interest bearing discount bonds亚洲美元债券: asian dollar bonds; asiandollar bonds欧洲美元比率: eurodollar rate欧洲美元存款: euro dollar deposit欧洲美元利率: eurodollar rate欧洲美元期货: eurodollar futures欧洲美元市场: euro dollar market; european dollar market