The department may apply to the district court to institute civil jurisdiction action against tax defaulter in respect of the overdue tax 本局可向区域法院申请发出传讯令状,向欠税人进行民事起诉,追讨欠税。
Even if such instalment arrangement is approved , legal proceedings may be instituted and taxpayer will be liable to pay the legal costs and interests on the judgment debt from the date of writ of summons up to the date of full settlement of the debt 就算有关分期缴税安排获批准,本局仍会向法院提出欠税诉讼,欠税人须就判定债项缴付法庭费用及利息。该利息由诉讼开始日期起计算,直至判定债项全数清缴为止。
Even if such instalment arrangement is approved , legal proceedings may be instituted and taxpayer will be liable to pay the legal costs and interests on the judgment debt from the date of writ of summons up to the date of full settlement of the debt 就算有关分期缴税安排获批准,本局仍会向法院提出欠税诉讼,欠税人须就判定债项缴付法庭费用及利息。该利息由诉讼开始日期起计算,直至判定债项全数清缴为止。