检验: checkout; test; examine; ins ...工作: work; operation; working; op ...潜水检验工作: submarine survey work检验工: looker-over检验工程师: qc engineer检验工具: inspection tools化验工作: laboratornoe delo实验工作: cut and try work; cut-and-try work; experimental work实验工作服: lab coat实验工作台: laboratory bench试验工作: experimental work; test work试验工作面: test face试验工作台: test bench商品检验工作在到货后一个月内完成: the inspection should be completed within a month after the arrival of the goods检验工件主轴转角: work tests roll枪炮的染蓝检验工: bluer润滑与检验工间: lubrication and inspection department; lubricationandinspectiondepartment质量检验工程师: quality inspection engineer转向系检验工间: steering analysis department; steeringanalysisdepartment最后一道检验工序: final examination sequence经济计量试验工作: econometric experimentation工作台检验: bench check; benchcheck工作精度检验: bot ertical drilling machines-testing of the accuracy-: working tests复验工: reinspector工作的抽样检验: activity sampling; frequency study; ratio delay study