复验: review工: worker; workman; the working ...复验;复查: reinspection检验工: looker-over材料复验: retest of materials复验分析: recheck analysis品质复验: checking of quality核试验工厂: nuclear test plant化验工作: laboratornoe delo检验工程师: qc engineer检验工具: inspection tools检验工作: examination work; inspection routine铆钉试验工: rivet tester实验工厂: experimental plant; pilot plant; pilotplants; semiplant实验工程师: laboratory engineer实验工作: cut and try work; cut-and-try work; experimental work实验工作服: lab coat实验工作台: laboratory bench试验工场: pilot plant试验工厂: experimental plant; pilot plant; pilotplant; semiworks; semiplant试验工程师: pilot lab engineer; testengineer; testing engineer试验工具: test instrument试验工祖: test face; test stope试验工作: experimental work; test work试验工作面: test face