

发音:   用"检疫及防疫条例"造句
  • quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance
  • quarantine centers
  • quarantineandpreventionofdiseaseordinance
  • 检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspe ...
  • :    reach; come up to
  • 防疫:    epidemic prevention
  • 条例:    regulations; rules; ordinanc ...
  • 检疫条例:    quarantine law; quarantine regulations


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance cap . 141
  2. Quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance cap
  3. Amendment to the quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance , cap
  4. Letter to doctors - amendment to the quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance
  5. In accordance with the quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance cap . 141 , there are


        检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspe ...
        :    reach; come up to
        防疫:    epidemic prevention
        条例:    regulations; rules; ordinanc ...
        检疫条例:    quarantine law; quarantine regulations
        植物检疫条例:    regeln pl.bezüglich der quarantne von pflanzen
        检疫及淘汰:    test and slaughter
        卫生和植物检疫条例工作组:    working grouon sanitary and phytosanitary regulations
        防疫站(检疫所):    quarantine station
        检疫及入境船只碇泊处:    quarantine and immigration anchorage
        交通卫生防疫工作条例:    regulations of transport and communications on sanitation and quarantine
        防疫:    epidemic prevention; antiepidemic◇防疫措施 anti-epidemic measures; 防疫人员 epidemic prevention worker; anti-epidemic personnel; 防疫药 pesticide; 防疫站 preventorium; epidemic prevention station [center]; 防疫针 (pophylactic) inoculation
        检疫:    quarantine; quarantine inspection 实施检疫 perform quarantine; 通过检疫 pass a quarantine; 植物检疫 plant quarantine; 这项检疫措施现已取消。 the quarantine is now abolished. 据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。 it is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine.; 检疫报告 inspection report; 检疫船 lazaretto; lazarette; quarantine boat; 检疫费 sanitary fee; 检疫规章 quarantine regulations; 检疫范围 quarantine range; 检疫港 quarantine harbour; 检疫规定 quarantine regulations; inspection and quarantine regulations; 检疫锚地 quarantine anchorage; 检疫期 quarantine; 检疫申请书 quarantine declaration; 检疫许可证 pratique; 检疫 (官)员 quarantine officer; 检疫站[所] quarantine station; lazaretto; 检疫证明书 quarantine certificate; vaccination certificate; 检疫证书 bill of health; pratique
        条例:    regulations; rules; ordinances; imperative 安全条例 safety regulations; 组织条例 organic rules; 试行条例 trial regulations; tentative regulations; 条例生效日期 effective date of regulations; 条例草案 draft regulations
        防疫车:    epidemic prerention vehicle
        防疫线:    cordon sanitaire
        防疫药:    pesticide
        防疫站:    epidemic prevention station; epidemic station
        防疫针:    prophylactic inoculation
        防火及防烟:    fire and smooke protection
        弱点及防护:    frame relay network security: vulnerabilities and mitigations
        涉及防落妆:    transfer-resistant
        猝不及防:    be caught off guard; be caught unprepared; be taken by surprise; be put off one's guard
        检疫,检疫期间:    quarantine
        检疫检疫站:    quarantine


  1. "检疫规定"英文
  2. "检疫规则"英文
  3. "检疫规则检疫范围"英文
  4. "检疫规章"英文
  5. "检疫机关"英文
  6. "检疫及入境船只碇泊处"英文
  7. "检疫及淘汰"英文
  8. "检疫疾病"英文
  9. "检疫检验局"英文
  10. "检疫检疫所检疫站"英文


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