

发音:   用"桩群"造句
  • bundle of piers
  • bundle piers
  • cluster of piles
  • cluster piles
  • group of piles
  • pile clump
  • pile cluster
  • pile group
  • pilegroup


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Battered pile and pile group are generally used in bridge , wharf and foundation of transmission power
  2. There is less research about bartered pile and pile group . in this paper the " generalized elastic theory " is proposed to solve the problem
  3. ( 5 ) according to the relative theory of method of code , and connecting the project , compiling computer program , settlements of the pile groups for cast - in - situ piles with expanded branches or plates are carried out and analyzed
    ( 5 )利用《规范》法中的有关理论,结合工程实例,编制了计算机程序,对挤扩支盘桩群桩的沉降进行计算和分析。
  4. Under the vertical load , the vertical pile group has bigger bearing capacity than the battered pile group . under lateral load , the positive battered pile group has bigger bearing capacity than the vertical and negative battered pile group . both model experiments and prototype experiments are conducted
    与单桩类似,竖向受荷直桩群桩承载力比斜桩群桩大;水平受荷群桩, “正斜”单桩组成的群桩比直桩群桩和“负斜”单桩组成的群桩的承载力大。
  5. At last , the resultes are compared with those without adoption of random field model and the reliability of pile foundation under vertical load is systematically studied . the conclusion is that the interaction of piles group - soil - pile cap has great effect on the reliability of the pile foundation



  1. "桩排"英文
  2. "桩排架"英文
  3. "桩墙"英文
  4. "桩桥"英文
  5. "桩桥钻井"英文
  6. "桩群, 桩束, 集桩"英文
  7. "桩群作用"英文
  8. "桩茹属形的"英文
  9. "桩入深度"英文
  10. "桩入土长度"英文


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