Calculation principle of earth pressure against retaining piles of pile - row retaining structure 桩排式支护护壁桩侧土压力计算原理
Special means of support may be provided , but under no conditions shall the pipe be placed on timbers , earth mounds , pile bents or other similar supports unless specified designs which are adequate for these abnormal bedding conditions are provided in 对于支撑可采取特殊方式,但在任何情况下管子都不能被置于木料,土墩,桩排或类似的支撑物上,除非采用了指定适于这些非常规垫层环境的设计方案。
Special means of support may be provided , but under no conditions shall the pipe be placed on timbers , earth mounds , pile bents or other similar supports unless specified designs which are adequate for these abnormal bedding conditions are provided in 有时可能需要提供特殊的支撑,但除非规定的设计有明确要求,需用于此类非正常垫层条件,否则任何时候均不应将管道铺设于垫木、土堆、桩排或其它类似支撑之上。