样品: sample; specimen; prototype; ...试用: on trial; try out; on probat ...店内样品试用: in-store sampling; instore samplingg单样品试池: single sample cell样品试验: sampling test; specimen test; test on sample样品试制: advanced development样品试样样本: specimen样品试制阶段: pilot stage; pilotstage铸坑样品试验: pit test代表性样品试验方案: testing project of representive sample试用: on trial; try out; on probation 试用人员 person on probation; probationers; 通过试用期 pass one's probation (period); 试用二年 two years on probation; 这个新办法正在试用。 this new method is on trial.; 试用本 edition put to solicit comments; trial edition; 试用教员 probationary teacher; 试用品 trial products; 试用期 prebationary period; probation period样品: sample; specimen; prototype; exponent 这和样品相符。 it comes up to sample 产品试销: marketing test产品试验: product testing; production test; testing production产品试验台: production test cell产品试样: product style产品试制: trial production成品试验: end product test; manufacture test非制品试验: non-product test关品试制: trial production商品试样: commercial sample; sale sample新产品试销: trial sale of new product新产品试制: trial production of new products(药)试用: try out试穿,试用: try on