

  • try out
  • :    medicine; drug; remedy
  • 试用:    on trial; try out; on probat ...
  • :    Ⅰ名词1.(药物) medicine; drug; remedy 服药 take medicine; 假药 quack medicine; 煎药 decoct herbal medicine; 麻药 anaesthetic; 良药 good medicine; a good remedy; 医生(给我)配了一些药。 the doctor mixed (me) some medicine. 有什么退热药吗? is there any remedy for fever? 这药已见效了。 this medicine [remedy] has taken effect.2.(某些有化学作用的物质) certain chemicals 耗子药 rat poison; ratsbane; 火药 gunpowder; 杀虫药 insecticideⅡ动词1.[书面语] (用药治疗) cure with medicine 不可救药 incurable; incorrigible2.(用药毒死) kill with poison 药老鼠 poison rats; 他的狗被药死了。his dog has been poi-soned to death
  • 试用:    on trial; try out; on probation 试用人员 person on probation; probationers; 通过试用期 pass one's probation (period); 试用二年 two years on probation; 这个新办法正在试用。 this new method is on trial.; 试用本 edition put to solicit comments; trial edition; 试用教员 probationary teacher; 试用品 trial products; 试用期 prebationary period; probation period
  • 解酒 药:    antialcoholic drug


        :    medicine; drug; remedy
        试用:    on trial; try out; on probat ...
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(药物) medicine; drug; remedy 服药 take medicine; 假药 quack medicine; 煎药 decoct herbal medicine; 麻药 anaesthetic; 良药 good medicine; a good remedy; 医生(给我)配了一些药。 the doctor mixed (me) some medicine. 有什么退热药吗? is there any remedy for fever? 这药已见效了。 this medicine [remedy] has taken effect.2.(某些有化学作用的物质) certain chemicals 耗子药 rat poison; ratsbane; 火药 gunpowder; 杀虫药 insecticideⅡ动词1.[书面语] (用药治疗) cure with medicine 不可救药 incurable; incorrigible2.(用药毒死) kill with poison 药老鼠 poison rats; 他的狗被药死了。his dog has been poi-soned to death
        试用:    on trial; try out; on probation 试用人员 person on probation; probationers; 通过试用期 pass one's probation (period); 试用二年 two years on probation; 这个新办法正在试用。 this new method is on trial.; 试用本 edition put to solicit comments; trial edition; 试用教员 probationary teacher; 试用品 trial products; 试用期 prebationary period; probation period
        解酒 药:    antialcoholic drug
        药, 药物:    pharmacon
        药,药物:    drug; medicine, remedy
        药;毒品:    drug
        防龋(齿)药 防龋(齿)药:    anticariogenic
        催涎的(药):    ptyalagogue
        黄 药 子:    huangyaozi airpotato yam rhizome rhizoma dioscoreae bulbiferae
        利钠剂(药):    natriuretic
        拟胆硷(能)药:    cholinomimetic
        喷气球”药:    smoking ball
        药-时曲线:    drug-time curve
        药(的),制药(的):    pharmacectic, pharmaceutical
        药(物);药剂:    medicament
        治晕船[车]药:    anti-motion medicine
        攥紧我的“药”:    cultuching my cure
        试穿,试用:    try on
        试验,试用:    try out
        试用,试读:    probation n
        试用;见习:    probation
        试用;试行:    try out
        试用版:    book edition; trial version


  1. "(氧气)流量调节器"英文
  2. "(样本)总体"英文
  3. "(腰部和袖口有松紧带的)短夹克"英文
  4. "(腰顶端部的)小牛排"英文
  5. "(妖刀)村正"英文
  6. "(药典)凡例"英文
  7. "(药典)通则"英文
  8. "(药物)在本港市面有售"英文
  9. "(要塞):就是可以盖一座要塞啦"英文
  10. "(野蛮人的跳跃攻击技能"英文


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