柑: citrus reticulata; mandarin ...桔: tangerine纹: lines; veins; grain病毒: virus; inframicrobe轮纹病: eyespot; ring spot蚕豆轮纹病: ring spot of broad bean; ringspotofbroadbean大豆轮纹病: ring leaf spot of soybean环斑病 轮纹病: ringspot梨轮纹病: black rot of pear; physalospora piricola轮纹病菌: physalospora piricola苹果轮纹病: canker of fruit; ring rot of apple; ringrotofapple桑轮纹病: ring spot of white mulberry豇豆轮纹病: frogeye spot of cowpea大豆褐色轮纹病: target spot of soybean斑纹病毒: mosaic virus重蚀纹病毒: severe etch virus柑桔类病毒: citrus viroid黄桦线纹病毒: birch line pattern virus木槿线纹病毒: hibiscus line pattern virus山楂环纹病毒: hawthorn ring pattern virus烟草斑纹病毒: tmv烟草蚀纹病毒: tobacco etch virus,tev; tobacco virus 13玉米条纹病毒: maize streak virus,msv榛子线纹病毒: hazelnut line pattern virus柑桔干坚病毒: citrus xyloporosis virus