大豆: soybean纹: lines; veins; grain病: illness; sickness; disease; ...蚕豆轮纹病: ring spot of broad bean; ringspotofbroadbean豇豆轮纹病: frogeye spot of cowpea大豆褐色轮纹病: target spot of soybean轮纹病: eyespot; ring spot环斑病 轮纹病: ringspot梨轮纹病: black rot of pear; physalospora piricola轮纹病菌: physalospora piricola苹果轮纹病: canker of fruit; ring rot of apple; ringrotofapple桑轮纹病: ring spot of white mulberry柑桔轮纹病毒: crv大豆: [植物学] soybean斑纹病: mottle; ring spot蚀纹病: tev水纹病: watermark disease条纹病: striprust轮纹颗石: rotalithus轮纹大茎点菌: macrophoma kuwatsukai hara棉花轮纹班病: ball rot of cotton大豆甙(大豆苷): daidzin斑马纹病: zebra disease斑纹病毒: mosaic virus边材斑纹病: sap stream