本: I stem or root of plants星系: galaxy; galact-群: crowd; group星系群: galaxy groups and clusters; grouof galaxies本星系泡: local bubble本星系团: local cluster of galaxies; local group近邻星系群: local group玉夫星系群: sculptor group致密星系群: compact group of galaxies马菲星系群1: ic 342/maffei group本星: rrxx系群: system group本星流: local star stream; localstarstream本星期: this week本星群: local stellar system本星团: local cluster of stars; local star system本星云: local star cloud基本星: fundamental star并系群: paraphyly侧系群: paraphyly纯系群: biotype单系群: monophyletic group; monophyly多系群: polyphyly世系群: lineage同系群: lineage group