未: did not; have not提及: mention; retrospect; refer t ...并未提及: not mentioned未提及的: not mentioned; untouched风疹未提及并发症: rubella without mention of complication麻疹未提及并发症: measles without mention of complication藏毛囊肿未提及脓肿: pilonidal cyst without mention of abscess急性喉气管炎未提及梗阻: acute laryngotracheitis without mention of obstruction急性气管炎未提及梗阻: acute tracheitis without mention of obstruction脊椎病未提及脊髓病: spondylosis without mention of myelopathy慢性鼓膜炎未提及中耳炎: chronic myringitis without mention of otitis media剖宫产分娩未提及适应证: cesarean delivery without indication妊娠水肿未提及高血压: gestational edema without mention of hypertension视网膜盖未提及脱离: operculum of retina without mention of detachment臀位牵引未提及指征: breech extraction without indication未提及并发症的单纯疱疹: herpes simplex without mention of complication未提及的未受损伤的: untouched新的诉因, 以前未提及的诉因: new cause of action流行性腮腺炎未提及并发症: mumps without mention of complication慢性肠道阿米巴病未提及脓肿: chronic intestinal amebiasis without mention of abscess未提及骨肿瘤的畸形性骨炎: osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor提及: mention; retrospect; refer to 顺便提及 incidentally mention; 对他提及这事 mention the matter to him; 简单地提及 ... refer briefly to ..未提到: makes no mention of未提货: failure to take delivery未提交: uncommitted