服务: give service to; be in the s ...契约: contract; agreement; indentu ...期间: time; period; course; durati ...租地契约期间: lease单务契约: deed-poll劳务契约: labour service contract商务契约: commercial agreement双务契约: sinallagma债务契约: debt covenant合约期间: trade gaps片面义务契约: unilateral contract契约期满: expiration of contract契约期限: term of contract; time limit of a contract佣工契约, 劳务契约: locatio operis契约期限契约履行期限: contract date; term of contract契约有效期间: duration of contract约期: 1.(约定的日子) date of appointment; fix a date; appoint a time 约期会晤 fix a date for the interview; 误了约期 fail to keep the appointment; 他们只得把约期改到2月28日。 they had to change the date fixed to feb. 28th.2.(契约的期限) the time limit of a contract服务期间: viability任职期间, 服务期间: tour of service缴款服务期间: contributory service非缴款服务期间: non-contributory service合约期: contract period; tender bond; tenor履约期: period of performance销约期: laydays canceling要约期: offer period