Plumdamas, who acted as squire of the body of the two contending dames, instantly saw the hazard of entering into such delicate points of chronology . 作为这两位互不相让的女士的随从,勃伦德姆斯马上看出她们有翻陈帐的危险。
The female great bustard has the behavior to turn over eggs and move eggs during the hatching pereiod 98枚( n二53 ) 。多卵期间雌鸨有翻百。移卵的行为。
Light infantry usually wore pointed cuffs , as shown on the box art , but all these figures have square cuffs with a three - button flap , as per the line 通常轻步兵的袖口有翻起的尖角,这一点在封绘上有所表现,但他们的袖口上又有三粒纽扣,这是普通步兵制服的特征。
During the 19th and 20th centuries , all of the major classics of chinese philosophy were translated into english and other major western languages , becoming an important vehicle for cross - cultural understanding and exchange 在十九、二十世纪,中国哲学的典籍都有翻成英文及其他欧洲语文,最有名的也有好几种不同的译本。
有: 5年 fifteen years翻: turn over; turn around; reve ...固有翻译: inherited translation有翻新价值: recappabilyty; remoldability; remouldability; retreadability固有转换, 固有翻译: inherited translation瓦片也有翻身时: every dog has his day有翻江倒海之能: have the prowess of performing astounding feats of valour裤头角位形状没有翻好: waistband corners not folded in right shape腰褶车线头尾未有翻针: dart ends not stitched to a fine point有法学学士学位: have/be an ll有法无天: black and white有繁殖力的: fertile有法文版: inomics有反必肃: counter-revolutionaries must be eliminated wherever found有法术之人: medicine man有反串穿著(如男性喜欢穿女性衣服者)倾向: crossdress有法师: arihoshi