有: 5年 fifteen years反串: play not one's customary rol ...穿: pierce through; penetrate著: outstanding; notable; striki ...如: in compliance with; accordin ...男性: the male sex喜欢: like; love; prefer; enjoy; b ...女性: femininity; woman衣服: clothing; clothes; dress; ha ...倾向: be inclined to; prefer她喜欢穿褐色的衣服: she likes to wear brown穿异性衣服: transvest换穿异性衣服: transvest清理衣服者: clothing re- fresher脱光衣服者: stripper修补衣服者: busheler有反对倾向的: antipathic他夏天喜欢穿短裤: he likes to wear shorts in summer我不喜欢穿制服: i don't like wearing the uniform穿著蓝色衣服: dressed in blue穿著清凉衣服: wear revealing clothing, to男性和女性: the male and female genders男性或女性: sex男性女性: masculine-feminine; masculinityfemininity男性女性化: feminization