A truly educated individual continues learning long after the hours and years he spends in the classroom because he is motivated from within by a natural curiosity and love for knowledge 真正有教育的人是在学校学习后仍坚持继续学习,因为他是以自然的求知欲望和对知识的热爱为推动力的。
You young educated people have so much to contribute to development , and to meeting the global challenges that i have spoken about safeguarding world peace and security , developing friendly relations among peoples of different faith or culture , and achieving the millennium development goals 我刚刚谈到了各种挑战,包括保卫世界和平与安全,在不同信仰或文化的人民之间发展友好关系,实现千年发展目标等等,为应对这些全球性挑战,为实现发展,你们这些有教育的青年可以大有作为。