The average teaching cost per student in formal higher vocational education in foreign countries is much higher than china ' s 摘要国际上正规高职教育的生均教学成本都大大高于高等普通教育的生均教学成本。
The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens , whatever their special conditions , deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities 过去三十年中,社会对特殊儿童接受普通教育的极大关注表明其强烈主张,任何公民,无论其个人条件如何,都应该得到充分发挥其潜能的机会。
Holding that mse should consists of four parts of morals , intellect , aesthetics as well as physical culture , and its target should aim at the formation of students " perfect personalities , he considerably emphasized the cultivation of student ' s morals , the roles of physical and aesthetic culture in facilitating their moral formation , and made a thorough exposition of what should be included in moral education from the perspectives of diligence , vocation , rights and duties , bravery and math in the category of instrumental disciplines , and held that a practical attitude be take so as to facilitate the national development , he included the natural and social science in the c ategory of knowledge accumulation , and excluded what is non - scientific out of the courses 但后来随着社会形势的变化,蔡元培认为中等教育在不放弃普通教育的同时,更应该培养公民谋取职业的能力,所以他又提出了在中学教育中设置职业教育的思想。蔡元培认为中学教育的内容应该包括德育、智育、体育、美育诸方面,以使学生形成“完全之人格” 。智育方面,他将国文、外语、数学归纳为练习工具的课程,主张从实用出发,并以此促进民族的发展,同时强调这三科对于升学的重要性;将自然科学、社会科学归入增进知识的课程,介绍了它们对于人类发展的重要性,鼓励学生以学习它们为乐。
的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...普通教育的改革: the reforming of general education普通教育: common education; general education; general education普通教育学: allgemeine padagogik; general pedagogy普通教育水平: ged普通教育文凭: gce; general certificate of education普通教育证书: gce; general certificate of education普通教育发展测验: general educational development tests普通教育委员会: general education board普通教育文凭考试: gce普通教育文凭试: gce普通教育学研究: studies on general pedagogy通教育: liberal education参加9科普通教育证书考试: take gce in subjects普通教育和文化部长: minister of general education and culture新加坡剑桥普通教育证书: singaporean gce 'o' level新加坡剑桥普通教育证书(普通水准)会考: singaporean gce 'o' level普通教室: general classroom普通教授学: general didactics普通教徒: church member who is not a clergyman or priest普通教学法: general method of teaching交通教育: traffic education新加坡剑桥普通教育证书 会考: singaporean gce 'o' level有9门学科的普通教育证书: general certificate of education : have gces