

发音:   用"月度结算"造句
  • abschluss
  • monthly statement


        月度:    monthly
        结算:    settle accounts; close an ac ...
        季度结算:    liquidaciones trimestrales
        年度结算:    account for the year; annual account; annual balance; annual closing
        分季清算日, 季度结算期:    quarterly settlement days
        更改财政年度结算日期:    change of year end
        月度:    monthly 月度计划 a monthly plan; 月度报表 forms of monthly report
        结算:    settle accounts; close an account; wind up an account; balance accounts; squaring-up; final estimate 用瑞士法郎计价结算 use swiss franc for quoting prices and settling accounts; 结算报告 final report; 结算差额 clearing balance; 结算单据 document of settlement; 结算方式 clearing form; 结算货款 loan for the settlement of accounts; 结算货币 currency of settlement; 结算价 settlement price; 结算结果检验 test for end; 结算年 year of account; 结算日 account days; 结算手续 accounting procedure; 结算通知书 advice of settlement; 结算银行 settling bank; 结算余额 strike a balance; 结算帐户 balance account; 结算总帐 closing the ledger
        月度的:    monthly
        保单月度:    policy month
        交货月度:    month of delivery
        跨月度船舶:    straddle ship
        月度报表:    forms of monthly report
        月度变化:    monthly variation
        月度采水值:    monthly water production figure
        月度风云:    news of the month
        月度付款:    monthly payment
        月度计划:    a monthly plan
        月度津贴:    monthly manage subsidy
        月度考核:    monthly appraisal
        月度损益表:    monthly profit and loss statement
        月度往来帐:    monthly general account
        运输月度:    month of shipment
        粗糙度结构:    roughness pattern
        大尺度结构:    large-scale structure of the cosmos


  1. "月度风云"英文
  2. "月度付款"英文
  3. "月度货物运输计划"英文
  4. "月度计划"英文
  5. "月度计划保费"英文
  6. "月度津贴"英文
  7. "月度决算, 月末决算"英文
  8. "月度考核"英文
  9. "月度考核得分"英文
  10. "月度生产报告"英文


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