

发音:   用"季度结算"造句
  • liquidaciones trimestrales


  1. The quarterly reset feature , meaning to use previous quarter s stock basket price closing level as the base for return calculation , effectively reduces the magnitude of lowering the maximum notional return
  2. The agreements provides that pacific corp shall pay undischarged debts on easy terms starting from 1996 , arrears and interests accruing thereon in the amount of 15 , 084 , to be paid by the quarter ending 1996 , interests in the amount of 977 to take effect as of november 6th 1995 at one - year bank lending rate
    协议还约定,太平洋公司于1996年从一季度起分季度偿付欠款, 1996年底付清,欠款及利息共计人民币15 . 084 , 977元利息自1995年11月6日起算起,按照银行1年贷款利率计算,利息每个季度结算一次。


        季度:    quarter
        结算:    settle accounts; close an ac ...
        分季清算日, 季度结算期:    quarterly settlement days
        年度结算:    account for the year; annual account; annual balance; annual closing
        月度结算:    abschluss; monthly statement
        按季度结帐方式:    on quarterly-account terms
        更改财政年度结算日期:    change of year end
        季度:    quarter (of a year) 第一季度 the first quarter (of a year); 她按季度付房租。 she pays her rent by the quarter.; 季度预算 quarterly budget
        结算:    settle accounts; close an account; wind up an account; balance accounts; squaring-up; final estimate 用瑞士法郎计价结算 use swiss franc for quoting prices and settling accounts; 结算报告 final report; 结算差额 clearing balance; 结算单据 document of settlement; 结算方式 clearing form; 结算货款 loan for the settlement of accounts; 结算货币 currency of settlement; 结算价 settlement price; 结算结果检验 test for end; 结算年 year of account; 结算日 account days; 结算手续 accounting procedure; 结算通知书 advice of settlement; 结算银行 settling bank; 结算余额 strike a balance; 结算帐户 balance account; 结算总帐 closing the ledger
        本季度:    current season
        季度版:    quarterly edition
        季度的:    quarterly
        季度日:    quarterday
        季度息:    quarterly interest
        季度帐:    quarterly account
        每季度:    quarterly adj
        年季度:    annual seasons
        上季度:    preceding quarter
        一季度:    the first quarter
        粗糙度结构:    roughness pattern
        大尺度结构:    large-scale structure of the cosmos
        大跨度结构:    long span structure
        高强度结合:    high-strength bonding
        密度结晶度:    density crystallinity
        年度结帐:    annual closing


  1. "季度股利"英文
  2. "季度国内生产总值预算"英文
  3. "季度绩效考核"英文
  4. "季度计划"英文
  5. "季度奖项评选细则"英文
  6. "季度进度报告"英文
  7. "季度累积索引"英文
  8. "季度日"英文
  9. "季度时间表"英文
  10. "季度息"英文


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