月: the moon出: used as a complement月出(时)。: moonrise月出里: nudachi; sudachi月出没: moonrise and moonset4月出版社: editora abril明月出天山: the bright moon lifts from the mountain of heaven五月出版社: may yayinlari新月出版社: bulan bintang; dar al hilal; dar el hilal publishing house新月出现时: time when this is so月出版社: editora abril月出勤报告: monthly attendance report月出时分: moonrise月出时间: moonrise time月光, 月出时分: moonrise每月出勤报告: monthly attendance report新月出版公司: crescent publications; crescent publishers骑着鸟儿看月出: ehpr下次新月出现后: after the next new moon月出于东山之上: after a little while the moon lifted itself above the eastern hills奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人: augustine季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊: the quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months将于本月出价竞购对手徐工机械: xugong group construction machinery月初上旬: beginning of month月初,5月底: early may, late may月初: the beginning of a month