- moonrise
- 月: the moon
- 出: used as a complement
- 时: shí]
- 月出: hidachi; hide; higure; hinode; moon rise; moonrise; tsukide
- 时: shí]Ⅰ名1.(比较长的一段时间)time; times; days:当时at that time; in those days; 古时 ancient times; 生不逢时be born in the wrong time; 盛极一时be in fashion for a time; be all the rage at the moment2.(规定的时候)fixed time 按时上班:get to work on time; 准时到站 arrive at the station on time; 校车六点开车,过时不候。the school bus leaves at six sharp and won't wait.3.(计时单位)hour:报时 announce the hour; give the time signal; 从十时到十二时 from 10to 12;上午九时at 9 o'clock in the morning; at 9 a.m.; 钟已报时。the clock struck the hour.4.(季节)season:不违农时 not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season; 时菜 delicacies of the season; 四时the four seasons; 应时瓜果fruits of the season5.(时机)opportunity; chance 待时而动 bide one's time; 千载一时(of an opportunity) only once in a thousand years; 失时 lose the opportunity; miss the chance6.(当前;现在)current; present; 时下 at present7.[语言学](时态)tense:现在/过去,将来/时the present [past, future]tense8.(时辰)a period of two hours:子时11 p.m.to 11 a.m.; 丑时 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.9.(姓氏) a surname 时苗 shi miaoⅡ副(时常;经常)now and then; occasionally; from time to time; 时在出现 occur now and then; 时有信来 letters sent here frequently; 学而时习之 learn and constantly review what one has learnedⅢ连(叠用,表示不同的现象或事情交替发生)now...now...; sometimes...sometimes...: 时断时续 on and off; 时快时慢 sometimes fast, sometimes slow; 时起时伏 now rise, now fall; have ups and downs; 心情时喜时忧 have changing moods, now gay, now gloomy; 天气时热时冷。the weather is now hot, now cold.; it is sometimes hot and sometimes cold