The youngest rocks found on the moon are 3 billion years old . 在月球上发现的地质年代最晚的岩石已有30亿年历史了。
The first and last tick are the most expensive . get in late and out early 最早的和最晚的都是最贵的,不要做第一个和最后一个。
This mammoth explosion which created all the matter we see around us , was just the most recent of many 这个创造了我们周围所有物质的巨大爆炸,只是最晚的一个。
The first books were written by moses about bc 1500 , while the last was written by john the apostle around ad 100 最早的一卷是由摩西在大约公元前1500年写成,最晚的一卷是由使徒约翰在大约公元后100年所著。
Three successive mammoth species ( the last of which was the woolly variety ) evolved advanced features in siberia , which later propagated to europe 相继出现的三种猛犸象,都在西伯利亚演化出先进的特徵,然后才散布到欧洲(最晚的一种就是大家熟悉的长毛象) 。
最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...晚: evening; night的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...最晚: at latest; at the latest; atlatest晚的: late; tardy至多,最晚: at longest最迟、最晚: at the latest最晚,至迟: spä spaetestens adv较晚的: posterior晚的,迟的: spt夜晚的: moonlight最晚封冻日: latest complete freezing最晚解冻日: latest breakup最晚开工日: latest start date最晚开始: latest start最晚日期: late dates最晚完成: latest finish最晚终冰日: latest final ice clearance最晚结束时间: latest finishing time (lft)最晚开始日期: late start date ("lsd"); late start date,lf; lowest static baseline lsd; ls late start date; ls=late start date; lsd late start date最晚开始时间: late start ("ls"); latest start time; ls late start最晚事件日期: late event date最晚事件时间: latest event time最晚完成日期: late finish date ("lfd"); late finish date,lf; lf late finish date; lf=late finish date; lfd late finish date最晚完成时间: late finish ("lf"); latest finish time; lf late finish