

发音:   用"最晚开始"造句
  • latest start
  • :    most; best; worst; first; ve ...
  • :    evening; night
  • 开始:    begin; start; initiate; comm ...
  • 最晚开始日期:    late start date ("lsd"); late start date,lf; lowest static baseline lsd; ls late start date; ls=late start date; lsd late start date
  • 最晚开始时间:    late start ("ls"); latest start time; ls late start


        :    most; best; worst; first; ve ...
        :    evening; night
        开始:    begin; start; initiate; comm ...
        最晚开始日期:    late start date ("lsd"); late start date,lf; lowest static baseline lsd; ls late start date; ls=late start date; lsd late start date
        最晚开始时间:    late start ("ls"); latest start time; ls late start
        最晚开工日:    latest start date
        当夜晚开始消失:    when the evening starts
        最晚:    at latest; at the latest; atlatest
        至多,最晚:    at longest
        最迟、最晚:    at the latest
        最晚,至迟:    spä spaetestens adv
        最晚的:    latest news
        傍晚开的:    vespertiv
        傍晚开花的:    vespertine vespertinal
        晚开花的:    late flowering
        最晚封冻日:    latest complete freezing
        最晚解冻日:    latest breakup
        最晚日期:    late dates
        最晚完成:    latest finish
        最晚终冰日:    latest final ice clearance
        开始:    1.(从头起; 着手进行) begin; start; initiate; commence 开始生效 take effect; come into effect; 从头开始 start from the very beginning; 开始流行 come into vogue; 开始营业 commence business; 开始收集邮票 set about stamp-collecting; 一切都得重新开始。 everything had to be begun over again. 从一开始他就坚决反对这项计划。 he set his face against the scheme from the first.2.(开始阶段) initial stage; beginning; outset; inception; initiation; onset; dawning 二十世纪开始时 at the commencement of the twentieth century; 战争开始后不久 soon after the start of the war; 开始他不同意, 但后来同意了。 at first he didn't agree, but later he did
        最晚结束时间:    latest finishing time (lft)
        最晚事件日期:    late event date
        最晚事件时间:    latest event time
        最晚完成日期:    late finish date ("lfd"); late finish date,lf; lf late finish date; lf=late finish date; lfd late finish date


  1. "最晚的"英文
  2. "最晚封冻日"英文
  3. "最晚结束时间"英文
  4. "最晚解冻日"英文
  5. "最晚开工日"英文
  6. "最晚开始日期"英文
  7. "最晚开始时间"英文
  8. "最晚日期"英文
  9. "最晚事件日期"英文
  10. "最晚事件时间"英文


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