

  • grope vi
  • 暗中摸索:    grope in the dark; feel abou ...
  • 探索:    explore; probe; exploration; ...
  • 摸索,暗中摸索:    feel about
  • 暗中摸索:    grope in the dark (to find ...); feel about in the dark; know things only by guessing; search about blindly 那位盲人沿墙用手暗中摸索着, 找到了通向门的路。 groping with his hands in the dark along the wall, the blind man finds his way to the door
  • 暗中摸索地:    gropingly


        暗中摸索:    grope in the dark; feel abou ...
        探索:    explore; probe; exploration; ...
        摸索,暗中摸索:    feel about
        暗中摸索:    grope in the dark (to find ...); feel about in the dark; know things only by guessing; search about blindly 那位盲人沿墙用手暗中摸索着, 找到了通向门的路。 groping with his hands in the dark along the wall, the blind man finds his way to the door
        暗中摸索地:    gropingly
        黑暗中摸索:    crawling in the dark; grope in the dark, to
        在黑暗中摸索:    grope about in the dark
        他在暗中摸索着找门把手:    he groped for the door handle in the dark
        暗中摸:    grope vi
        他在暗中摸索着忽然触动了什么东西:    touch one's heart
        搜索探索灯:    pickup light
        探索探查:    exploration
        摸索:    1.(试探着) grope; feel about; fumble 摸索而行 feel one's way; 在黑暗中摸索 grope in the dark; (对不准锁孔) 摸索着开锁 fumble at a lock2.(寻找) try to find out 不断摸索 , 掌握技能 learn technical skills through trial and error; 摸索教学经验 try to find out experience in teaching; 摸索反射 groping-reflex
        暗中:    1.(黑暗之中) in the dark2.(背地里) in secret; on the sly; stealthily; surreptitiously 暗中察访 quietly make investigations; 暗中参与阴谋 be privy to a conspiracy
        探索:    explore; probe; exploration; searching 探索改革途径 explore ways of reforming; 探索宇宙的秘密 probe the secrets of the universe; 探索事物的本质 probe into the essence of things
        绊索探杆:    tripwire feeler
        搜索探照灯:    o ervation searchlight; observation searchlight; search projector; searchlight projector
        摸索, 同情:    feel for
        摸索, 寻找:    poke about
        摸索;同情:    feel for
        摸索找…:    feel for sth
        摸索著:    in the manner of sb who gropes
        摸索着:    gropingly
        摸索,摸索着寻找:    feel for
        不断摸索:    trial-and-error


  1. "暗中了结"英文
  2. "暗中落泪"英文
  3. "暗中摸"英文
  4. "暗中摸索"英文
  5. "暗中摸索地"英文
  6. "暗中能见的"英文
  7. "暗中盘算"英文
  8. "暗中破坏"英文
  9. "暗中窃笑称"英文


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