- 不断: ceaseless; unceasing; uninte ...
- 摸索: grope; feel about; fumble
- 不断摸索摸索教学经验: try to find out experience in teaching
- 摸索: 1.(试探着) grope; feel about; fumble 摸索而行 feel one's way; 在黑暗中摸索 grope in the dark; (对不准锁孔) 摸索着开锁 fumble at a lock2.(寻找) try to find out 不断摸索 , 掌握技能 learn technical skills through trial and error; 摸索教学经验 try to find out experience in teaching; 摸索反射 groping-reflex
- 摸索,暗中摸索: feel about