To tatooine . to his family , send him 送他去塔图因星带他去他的家
Redknapp is a big fan of makelele and would love to bring the former real madrid man to fratton park 老雷德克纳普非常钦佩马克莱莱,并且也热衷于将这位前皇马球星带到福拉顿公园。
Find out about your favorite stars , scan the world of global movies , and update both your visual and audio sensations its all at mtv star profile 翻开“头牌星档案” ,每期都有一位主打星带着他的作品与你分享他的过去和现在。
Caption : : some stars in the night sky are compacted into a region , called the milky way , this milky patch of the sky span across the sky , brightly shine under the dark night 天上的繁星聚集于一个密集的地方,称为银河,这条奶白色的星带横夸整个天空,夏天的银河较为光亮,只要在黑暗的夜空下非常光亮。
This dissertation set up the model of the micro satellites going with the primary , deduced particularly formula , proved the dpca technique can be used in the distributed satellite system to detect moving target . and some computer simulations illustrate the problem convincingly 分析了主星带伴随小卫星模式下的几何模型,推导了相应的动目标回波模型和dpca检测模型;并通过仿真验证了dpca算法的有效性。
星: star带: belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...金星带: belt of venus七星带: seven star sash劳尔星带: de laure belt外小行星带: outer asteroid belt小行星带: asteroid belt; asteroid zone主小行星带: main asteroid belt近地小行星带: near-earth asteroid belt小行星带天体: main belt asteroids星代数: star algebra星大五部曲:帝大反: star wars episode v: the empire strikes back星党: star party星大四部曲:曙光乍: star wars episode iv: a new hope星岛: hon i; hon sao; hoshijima; sing tao星大首部曲:威伏: star wars episode i: the phantom menace星岛报业有限公司: sing tao newspapers ltd星大三部曲:西斯大帝的仇: star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith星岛芳踪: black gold星大六部曲:地大反攻: star wars episode vi: return of the jedi