星: star大: big; large曲: qu,a type of verse for singi ...曙光: first light of morning; the ...乍: for the first time; newly亚历山大四部曲: alexandria quartet四部曲: tetralogy曙光乍现: brilliant; star wars iv a new hope; star wars episode iv a new hope; twilight of the ice nymphs曙光乍泄: distant lights; lichter星大首部曲:威伏: star wars episode i: the phantom menace夏娃的诱惑四部曲: eva's temptation星际大战四部曲: star wars episode iv: a new hope星大二部曲:人全面攻: star wars episode ii: attack of the clones星大六部曲:地大反攻: star wars episode vi: return of the jedi星大五部曲:帝大反: star wars episode v: the empire strikes back大四: senior星大三部曲:西斯大帝的仇: star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith四部: four-part; shibe星大: kyungsung university; star wars; stellar atmosphere曙光: first light of morning; the first light of day; dawn; twilight; morning twilight; aurora; aurorae 文明的曙光 the dawn of civilization; 黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。 the first signs of the dawn appears on the horizon部曲: kakibe春光乍: happy together (film)大四郎: daishiro大四了: umd大四喜: full happiness; moun; quadruple-double