- discover the minutest detail in everything; able to see the fine down of birds in autumn -- very perspicacious; be able to penetrate deeply into all things; can see the tiniest objects; can see through a brick wall [through a millstone]; everything is seen as clear as crystal (to sb.).; have eyes sharp enough to perceive a single hair of an animal's autumn coat; have eyes sharp enough to perceive an animal's autumn hair -- be perceptive of the minutest detail; see through a brick wall; sharp-sighted enough to perceive a bird's autumn down
- 明察秋毫的: penetrating
- 明察秋毫之: eagleeye
- 明察秋毫,不见舆薪: can't see the forest for the treesbe sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewoodstrain at a gnat and swallow a camelable to see the minor points but not the major onessee the minute details but miss the major issue
- 明察秋毫,不见舆薪: can't see the forest [woods] for the trees; be sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewood; strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; able to see the minor points but not the major ones; see the minute details but miss the major issue
- 明察秋毫的敏锐。: critical acumen