

[ míngcháqiūháo ] 发音:   "明察秋毫"的汉语解释   用"明察秋毫"造句
  • discover the minutest detail in everything; able to see the fine down of birds in autumn -- very perspicacious; be able to penetrate deeply into all things; can see the tiniest objects; can see through a brick wall [through a millstone]; everything is seen as clear as crystal (to sb.).; have eyes sharp enough to perceive a single hair of an animal's autumn coat; have eyes sharp enough to perceive an animal's autumn hair -- be perceptive of the minutest detail; see through a brick wall; sharp-sighted enough to perceive a bird's autumn down
  • 明察秋毫的:    penetrating
  • 明察秋毫之:    eagleeye
  • 明察秋毫,不见舆薪:    can't see the forest for the treesbe sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewoodstrain at a gnat and swallow a camelable to see the minor points but not the major onessee the minute details but miss the major issue
  • 明察秋毫,不见舆薪:    can't see the forest [woods] for the trees; be sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewood; strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; able to see the minor points but not the major ones; see the minute details but miss the major issue
  • 明察秋毫的敏锐。:    critical acumen


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Once it was new glassware, and his discerning eye immediately spotted an error in the presidential crest etched on the glass .
  2. He has a good eye for detail ; he notices everything
  3. And robust scrutiny could give way to hotheaded revenge
  4. He states emphatically that he never seems to miss a trick with his staff
  5. Very soon , however , his look became keen and penetrative


        明察秋毫的:    penetrating
        明察秋毫之:    eagleeye
        明察秋毫,不见舆薪:    can't see the forest for the treesbe sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewoodstrain at a gnat and swallow a camelable to see the minor points but not the major onessee the minute details but miss the major issue
        明察秋毫,不见舆薪:    can't see the forest [woods] for the trees; be sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewood; strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; able to see the minor points but not the major ones; see the minute details but miss the major issue
        明察秋毫的敏锐。:    critical acumen
        明察秋毫的,(说话)一针见血的:    penetrating
        秋毫:    autumn hair; newly-grown down; sth. so small as to be almost indiscernible
        明察:    mintsa
        魏明察:    wei mingcha
        察及秋毫:    find out the slightest particle`
        利析秋毫:    be astute [shrewd] in conducting financial affairs
        秋毫无犯:    not to injure the people in the least; forbid the slightest violation of the people's interests; in the land, through which the soldiers passed they took nothing and harmed no one.; no plundering was permitted, and the people did not suffer at all.; not the least thing belonging to the inhabitants was to be taken.; not to cause the slightest damage [trouble] to the people; not to commit the slightest offense against the civilians; not to encroach on the interests of the people to the slightest degree; on the way the army did not trouble the people.; through whatever town or city they passed, they robbed no one of anything
        秋毫之末:    the tip of an animal's autumn hair -- very small; the minutest detail in everything; the minutest thing
        劳明察赫:    raumunzach
        明察,颖悟的:    perspicacious
        明察暗访:    investigate openly and secretly; conduct a thorough investigation; observe publicly and investigate privately
        伊代尔科明察:    idelko mincza
        大军过处秋毫无犯:    wherever the troops went they never infringed on the people's interests
        法国 能明察周遭环境的人:    bevis
        能明察周遭环境的人:    bevis
        毕维斯 法国 能明察周遭环境的人:    bevis
        明查特:    mincat; minczat
        明查莱斯:    minchales


        明察秋毫的法语:(un fonctionnaire)être perspicace;avoir la perspicacité de discerner les choses infimes;avoir une grande pénétration d'esprit;savoir pénétrer toute chose
        明察秋毫的日语:〈成〉眼力があり,どんな小さな事も見逃さないこと.▼“秋毫”は秋に鳥獣の体に生える細い毛.微細なもののたとえ. 明察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪 yúxīn /獣毛の末端まではっきり見ることができるのに,車に積んだ薪が見えない.細かい事には気がつくが,大きい事には気がつかないたとえ.
        明察秋毫的韩语:【성어】 지극히 미세한 것까지 살피다. 눈이 밝고 날카로워 사소한 일에 대해서까지 빈틈없이 살피다.
        明察秋毫的俄语:pinyin:míngcháqiūháo ясно разглядеть даже осеннюю шерстинку (на теле животного; обр. в знач.: зоркий; проницательный, прозорливый)
        明察秋毫的阿拉伯语:عليم; مُتَبَصِّر;
        明察秋毫的印尼文:maha tahu; mahatahu;
        明察秋毫什么意思:míng chá qiū háo 【解释】明察:看清;秋毫:秋天鸟兽身上新长的细毛。原形容人目光敏锐,任何细小的事物都能看得很清楚。后多形容人能洞察事理。 【出处】《孟子·梁惠王上》:“明足以察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪,则王许之乎?” 【示例】余忆童稚时,能张目对日,~,见藐小微物,必细察其纹理。(清·沈复《浮生六记·闲情记趣》) 【拼音码】mcqh 【灯谜面】电子显微镜显微镜 【用法】动宾...


  1. "明查莱斯"英文
  2. "明查特"英文
  3. "明察"英文
  4. "明察,颖悟的"英文
  5. "明察暗访"英文
  6. "明察秋毫,不见舆薪"英文
  7. "明察秋毫,不见舆薪"英文
  8. "明察秋毫的"英文
  9. "明察秋毫的,(说话)一针见血的"英文
  10. "明察秋毫的敏锐。"英文


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