旧式: old type; of an old type; ol ...教育: education方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...教育方法: educational methods教育方法学: instructional methodology思想教育方法论: methodology of thought education最好的教育方法: the best way to teach委内瑞拉性教育方法协会: asociacion venezolana para una educacion sexual alternativa教育方案: educational programme教育方面的: educational教育方式: education mode教育方针: educational policy; educational principle; guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education; guidelines for education繁育方法: breeding method; mating system; system of breeding; system of mating节育方法: method of birth control; methodofbirthcontrol非正式教育: informal education渗透式教育: infused instruction填鸭式教育: spoon-feed形式教育: formal education党的教育方针: party's educational policy公民教育方案: civil education programme美洲教育方案: inter-american program of education普及教育方案: education for all programme全球教育方案: global education programmes少女教育方案: girls' education programme营养教育方案: nutrition education programme