Marital satisfaction , parenting stress , and coparenting for parents of dual - earner families 新婚阶段婚姻教育方案之活动带领者反思。
Begun in 1994 , ltta is today one of the largest and most successful arts based educational initiatives in the world 自1994年起, ltta一直是世界上最成功影响范围最广的教育方案之一。
The vast majority of secondary schools belong to the free education scheme and receive allowances and capitation grants from the state 绝大部分中学属于免费教育方案,接收国家津贴和按人头计算的补助费。
The money will pay for creating new ways to teach math and science , professional development for teachers and a study of the project 这些钱将帮助改进新的数学和自然科学的教育方案、师资力量和该项目的研究。
教育: education方案: scheme; plan; programme; pro ...公民教育方案: civil education programme美洲教育方案: inter-american program of education普及教育方案: education for all programme全球教育方案: global education programmes少女教育方案: girls' education programme营养教育方案: nutrition education programme非洲科学教育方案: sepa国际环境教育方案: international environmental education programme (ieep)禁毒防范教育方案: programme of preventive education against drug abuse南部非洲教育方案: unetpsa亚太普及教育方案: asia-pacific programme of education for all合并中级进修教育方案: combined mid-level continuing education programme洪都拉斯社区教育方案: honduran community education project紧急状况和重建教育方案: programme of education for emergencies and reconstruction雷险教育方案管理指南: guide to the management of mine risk education programmes教育方法: educational methods教育方法学: instructional methodology教育方面的: educational教育方式: education mode教育方针: educational policy; educational principle; guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education; guidelines for education禁止药物滥用国际教育方案: international programme of education against drug abuse儿童保育方案: child-care programmes计划生育方案: family planning programs