无论: no matter what,how,etc.; reg ...你: you在: exist; be living天涯: the end of the world; the re ...还是: still; nevertheless; all the ...海角: cape; promontory我: I; my; me甘愿: willingly; readily追随: follow在天涯海角: at the end of the earth无论你在哪: everywhere you go; ovunque sei无论你在何处: wherever you are无论你在何方: dovunque sarai; no matter where you are..无论你在哪里: wherever you are无论远近,无论你在哪: near, far, wherever you are无论远近,无论你在何方: near, far, wherever you are近的,远的,无论你在任何地方: near, far, wherever you are无论你在哪听到它们: wherever you hear them无论你在做什么,都不要恐慌: whatever you do, don't panic无论你: how ever you may work hard, the boss will not be fully satisfied海还是海: sea is the sea海角天涯: the corners of the sea and the end of the sky - - far-off regions; the corners of the world; (go to) the ends of the earth; the (ultimate) ends of the world; the four corners of the earth; the remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the utmost ends [regions; parts] of the earth天涯海角: the remotest corners of the globe; ends of the earth; jumping-off place; many different parts of the country; remote regions; remotest corners [regions] of the earth; the end of the sky and the corners of the sea; the four corners of the earth; the horizon of heaven and end of earth; (go to) the uttermost ends of the earth; the world's end天涯呀海角: to the ends of the ends无论……还是: either……or