近: near; close的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...远: far; distant; remote无论: no matter what,how,etc.; reg ...你: you在: exist; be living任何: any; whichever; whatever地方: place; space; room在任何地方: wherever conj &生活在任何地方的人们: people live everywhere无论你在哪: everywhere you go; ovunque sei到任何地方: whithersoever任何地方: anyplace; anywhere; throughout你要是在任何地方看到得泰德,就去报警: if you ever catch sight of ted anywhere,call the police无论你在何处: wherever you are无论你在何方: dovunque sarai; no matter where you are..无论你在哪里: wherever you are无论远近,无论你在哪: near, far, wherever you are不到任何地方: nowhither任何地方都不: nowhere无论远近,无论你在何方: near, far, wherever you are任何地方都可以: it can be anywhere任何地方都是天堂: any plcae is paradise; anyplace is paradise世界上任何地方: under the sun为你去任何地方: anywhere for you