

发音:   用"无私援助"造句
  • disinterested assistance
  • 无私:    selfless; disinterested; uns ...
  • 援助:    help; support; aid
  • 给予无私的援助:    give disinterested assistance
  • 无私:    selfless; disinterested; unselfish; self-forgetful 无私的精神 a selfless spirit; 给予无私的援助 give disinterested assistance; 作为战士, 他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。 as a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty
  • 援助:    help; support; aid 国际援助 international support; 技术援助 technical assistance; 经济援助 economic aid; 援助受难者 help the victims; 不附带条件的援助 aid with no strings attached; 援助发展中的国家 give aid to developing countries; 这家公司依靠政府的财政援助。 the company is dependent on government financial help.; 援助国 donor country; aid-giving nation; 援助捐款 assistance contribution; 援助协定 agreement concerning aid


        无私:    selfless; disinterested; uns ...
        援助:    help; support; aid
        给予无私的援助:    give disinterested assistance
        无私:    selfless; disinterested; unselfish; self-forgetful 无私的精神 a selfless spirit; 给予无私的援助 give disinterested assistance; 作为战士, 他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。 as a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty
        援助:    help; support; aid 国际援助 international support; 技术援助 technical assistance; 经济援助 economic aid; 援助受难者 help the victims; 不附带条件的援助 aid with no strings attached; 援助发展中的国家 give aid to developing countries; 这家公司依靠政府的财政援助。 the company is dependent on government financial help.; 援助国 donor country; aid-giving nation; 援助捐款 assistance contribution; 援助协定 agreement concerning aid
        爱无私:    sacred love
        无私的:    altruistic; disinterested:partisanship=venal:probity; great-hearted; impartial; self forgetful; self-giving; selfless; sfless; unselfish
        无私地:    impartiallyselflessly; selflessly
        秉公无私:    handle affairs justly [impartially]; handle affairs according to the law
        纯洁无私:    clean and unselfish
        大公无私:    (公正没有私心) selfless; unselfish; perfectly impartial; no personal [selfish] consideration; give no thought to self; just and unselfish; great impartiality excludes consideration of self.; disinterestedness and unselfishness 工人阶级最大公无私。 it is the working class that is most selfless
        公平无私:    cross-bench mind
        公平无私的:    evenhanded
        公正无私:    be impartial to ..
        公正无私的:    disinterested
        廉洁无私:    disinterestedly
        坦率无私:    be frank without secrecy
        铁面无私:    be just and stern (to sb.); a stern look with severe lines about his mouth, without compunction or mercy; disinterested; grave as a judge; impersonal; impartial and incorruptible; not be moved by entreaty, prayer or tears from friends or relatives; not to spare anyone's sensibilities; relentless in his singleness of purpose in the execution of his duties; unmoved by personal appeals
        忘我的, 无私的:    self-forgetful
        无私的精神:    a selfless spirit
        无私的人:    altruist; unselfish or patient person
        无私方无畏:    fearlessness stems [comes] from selflessness.; one can be fearless only when one is selfless.; only the selfless is fearless
        无私奉献:    selfless service
        无私无虑:    free from care; happy-go-lucky
        无私无畏:    be selfless and fearless



  1. "无私无虑"英文
  2. "无私无畏"英文
  3. "无私心的"英文
  4. "无私有弊"英文
  5. "无私欲的"英文
  6. "无私者无畏"英文
  7. "无私之爱"英文
  8. "无丝分裂"英文
  9. "无丝分裂;直接分裂"英文
  10. "无丝分裂的"英文


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