

发音:   用"爱无私"造句
  • sacred love
  • :    love
  • 无私:    selfless; disinterested; uns ...
  • 无私:    selfless; disinterested; unselfish; self-forgetful 无私的精神 a selfless spirit; 给予无私的援助 give disinterested assistance; 作为战士, 他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。 as a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty
  • 爱无边:    love's tongue is in the eyes
  • 爱无敌:    unbreakable


  1. In my world there is community , insight , love , real quality ; the individual is the total , the totality ? in the individual . all are one and the one is all
  2. The greatest treasure is a loving heart filled with the spirit of jesus christ god has given you that gift , though it may not be a talent , but it is a gift that everybody can have
  3. I believe that master s paintings not only encompass all these elements , but her works of art touch our deepest inner being with a true sense of spirituality . with love and wisdom , master leads us out of the maze of life


        :    love
        无私:    selfless; disinterested; uns ...
        无私:    selfless; disinterested; unselfish; self-forgetful 无私的精神 a selfless spirit; 给予无私的援助 give disinterested assistance; 作为战士, 他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。 as a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty
        爱无边:    love's tongue is in the eyes
        爱无敌:    unbreakable
        爱无间:    daisy
        爱无赦:    bravo lover; ktv; super rave remix
        爱无限:    immensite; love flows on
        爱无厌:    insatiable
        爱无罪:    djbaileiremix
        无私的:    altruistic; disinterested:partisanship=venal:probity; great-hearted; impartial; self forgetful; self-giving; selfless; sfless; unselfish
        无私地:    impartiallyselflessly; selflessly
        爱无处不在:    love is all around; love is everywhere
        爱无定界:    love is color-blind
        爱无国界:    love sees no color; veer-zaara
        爱无可忍:    enduring love
        爱无是处:    l'amour n'est rien
        爱无所不能:    love will conquer all
        爱无所不在:    love is all around
        爱无预警:    unsuspecting sunday afternoon
        爱无止尽:    15-my heart will go on; gegen die wand; head on; headon; love flows on; my heart will go on
        爱无止境:    my heart will go on; the love have no destination
        爱无止期:    time to leave
        爱无专属:    love belongs to everyone
        大爱无形:    invisible love


  1. "爱无国界"英文
  2. "爱无间"英文
  3. "爱无可忍"英文
  4. "爱无赦"英文
  5. "爱无是处"英文
  6. "爱无所不能"英文
  7. "爱无所不在"英文
  8. "爱无限"英文
  9. "爱无厌"英文
  10. "爱无预警"英文


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