

发音:   用"旅游类"造句


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  1. During the sars period , the likes of airline and tourism stocks hit on downward trend
  2. Some analysts say that because the possible holiday changes havent been well publicized , these probably arent reflected in the price of travel stocks
  3. Newspaper is also a kind of commodity , and as other commodity , it needs to achieve its value in the exchanging process , thus obtain the profit
  4. How to build a bridge among readers , advertisers , and papers , which is , to increase the market share , obtain profits , is a practically and emergency problem
  5. Some tourism shares have doubled in price since the start of the year , and analysts say most will continue to log strong gains as revenue surges for the next several years amid government efforts to promote more travel to and within the country


        旅游:    tour; tourism
        旅游类型:    type of tourist
        旅游类型学:    tourism typology
        词汇交通旅游类:    toeic
        洄游类:    migratoryspecies
        孚游类:    drake
        旅游:    tour; tourism 发展与管理旅游事业 develop and supervise tourism; 环球旅游 a round-the-world tour; 有些国家靠旅游业赚取大量外汇。 some countries obtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism. 他们正在西班牙旅游。 they are touring in spain.; 旅游班车 sightseeing bus; 旅游标志 tourist symbol; 旅游船 houseboat; 旅游点 tourist spot; 旅游环境 tourist environment; 旅游纪念品 tourist souvenir; 旅游界 the tourist circle; 旅游年 tourist year; 旅游区 tourist area; 旅游热 travel [tourist] boom; 旅游山庄 tourists' mountain villa; 旅游衫 outing shirt; 旅游胜地 tourist attraction; 旅游市场 tourist market; 旅游事业 tourist industries; tourist trade; 旅游图 tourist map; 旅游旺季 peak tourist season; tourist rush season; 旅游鞋 sneakers; 旅游学校 tourism school; travel school; 旅游业 tourism; tourist industry; 旅游运动 tourism sports; 旅游者 tourist; 旅游证 tourist card; 旅游指南 guidebook
        旅游业,旅游:    tourism
        大旅游:    grand tour
        建筑 旅游:    navona
        旅行,旅游:    reise, die; -n
        旅游(美):    travel-see tourism
        旅游舱:    tourist class cabin
        旅游车:    touring car; tourist bus [coach]◇旅游车停车场 caravan park; trailer park
        旅游船:    cruise liner; cruise ship; cruiser; excursion steamer; excursion vessel; pleasure steamer; recreation boat; touring ship; tourist ship
        旅游的:    travelling
        旅游地:    sightseeing district; sightseeing place
        旅游点:    places of interest; tourist ots; tourist spots
        旅游法:    tourism law
        旅游费:    travel costs
        旅游港:    tour harbor
        旅游股:    tourism unit
        旅游壶:    travel bottle
        旅游机:    touring aircraft
        旅游客源市场:    tourist source market
        旅游客源国:    tourist generating country


  1. "旅游客车"英文
  2. "旅游客船"英文
  3. "旅游客轮"英文
  4. "旅游客源国"英文
  5. "旅游客源市场"英文
  6. "旅游类型"英文
  7. "旅游类型学"英文
  8. "旅游礼仪"英文
  9. "旅游列车"英文
  10. "旅游猎鹰"英文


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