During the sars period , the likes of airline and tourism stocks hit on downward trend “非典”时期,航空、旅游类的股票均呈下跌走势。
Some analysts say that because the possible holiday changes havent been well publicized , these probably arent reflected in the price of travel stocks 一些分析师表示,由于具体的休假调整方案尚未公布,因此这一因素可能还没有反映在旅游类股的股价中。
Newspaper is also a kind of commodity , and as other commodity , it needs to achieve its value in the exchanging process , thus obtain the profit 本文立足中国旅游类报业市场,采用pest方法详细分析中国旅游市场的大环境和旅游类媒体的供需情况与趋势。
How to build a bridge among readers , advertisers , and papers , which is , to increase the market share , obtain profits , is a practically and emergency problem 面对市场商机巨大的旅游类广告与读者市场,如何才能在读者、广告主与报纸之间搭建一座桥梁,最大限度地提高市场占有率,赚取利润是一个实际而紧迫的问题。
Some tourism shares have doubled in price since the start of the year , and analysts say most will continue to log strong gains as revenue surges for the next several years amid government efforts to promote more travel to and within the country 部分旅游类股的价格已较今年初上涨了一倍,分析师表示,随着政府不断推动中国旅游业的发展,许多旅游类股还将继续出现可观的涨幅。