You do not have to do anything -- just lie back and enjoy the journey . 你什么也不用做只管轻松愉快地享受旅游的乐趣。
Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods . 由于发大水,许多开车旅游的人被迫停留在那个镇上了。
Despite these precedents, poe's interest in journeys is also distinctively american . 坡尽管有所借鉴,但是他对旅游的兴趣仍然是地道的美国式的。
He studied the summer-resort posters, lest he have to acquaintances and expose his uneasiness . 他仔细端详避暑旅游的招贴画,免得见到熟人说话,露出他的不安。
No one visiting the united states should feel uncomfortable or incorrect if he chooses to follow his own native habits . 到美国旅游的人如果要照自己国家的风俗习惯去做,也不必觉得难为情或有什么不对。
旅游: tour; tourism的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...旅游的价值: of tourism旅游的影响: tourist impact回乡旅游的人: wisatawan yg pulang mudik旅游的必然性: inevitability of tourism旅游的仪式化: ritualization of tourism有导游的旅游: conducted tour = guided tour; conducted/guided tour; tamasya dng gaid国际旅游的定义: definition of international tourism国际旅游的发展: development of international tourism国际旅游的影响: international tourism impact旅游的环境影响: environment impacts from tourism青年旅游的问题: problem of youth tourism群体对旅游的影响: grouinfluence on tourism有导游的观光旅游: guided tour游的: natant负责旅游的部长级代表: minister delegate to tourism; minister-delegate to tourism给出一些旅游的建议: giving travel advice国际旅游的营销模式: marketing model for international tourism来大连旅游的人日益增多: more and more people come to visit dalian旅游的唯一方法是走路: the only way to travel is on foot商务部负责旅游的副部长: under secretary of commerce for travel and tourism到发展中国家旅游的疾病预防须知: travel to developing countries: precautions我负担不起去欧洲旅游的费用: this triwas cancelled because of the snowstorm旅游道路: tourist roads旅游导游证书: certificate of tourist guide