断: break; snap梗: stalk; stem; stick飘: wave to and fro; float; flut ...萍: duckweed断梗: puffed stem邵飘萍: shao piaoping萍梗飘零: wandering without a fixed dwelling蓬飘萍转: gone with the raspberry and turned with the duck weed -- to drift from place to place.; a quick turn飘萍恨-大结局: the affairs of ping, concluding episode飘萍恨-上集: the affairs of miss ping断箍: hoooff断骨: a broken bone断根: (比喻彻底除去) be completely cured; effect a permanent cure断骨端重迭: riding of bones断隔螺弧: interrupted thread断骨接续: union of fractured bones断隔断层: gafault; gap fault断骨接整: reduction of fracture断高: broken height