文: character; script; writing部: part; section; division; reg ...省: examine oneself critically已: stop; cease; end合并: merge; amalgamate; combine; ...文部省: education ministry; ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology厚生省(已合并): ministry of health and welfare太阳党(已合并): taiyoto自治省(已合并): ministry of home affairs总务厅(已合并): management and coordination agency国民之声(已合并): voice of people北海道开发厅(已合并): hokkaido development agency经济企划厅(已合并): economic planning agency文部: fumibe; funbe; ombu; wampo那两个组织已合并为一个组织: those two organizations have been amalgamated into single one北部省: el mudiriyat esh shamaliya; esh shimalya; liban-nord; muhafazat ash shamal; nord dep. du; nord prov; north lebanon prov; northern province; northern region; shamal muhafazat ash; shamaliya el mudiriyat esh; shimalya esh东部省: al mintaqah ash sharqiyah; eastern prov; eastern region; est dep. de l'; est prov; est, prov; muhafaza el sharqiya; sharqiya muhafaza el; sharqiyah al mintaqah ash; sharqiyah, al mintaqah ash南部省: janub muhafazat al; liban-sud; muhafazat al janub; south lebanon prov; south province, rwanda; southern province; sud dep. du西部省: garbieh muhafaza; gharbiya muhafaza el; muhafaza el gharbiya; muhafaza garbieh; ouest dep. de i'; ouest prov; ouest, prov; western prov; western region刑部省: gyōbu-shc中部省: central region; midlands prov东文部: higashinofumibe文部冈: fumibenooka文部谷: fumibenohazama; fumibenotani文部路: fumibenomichi