

发音:   "文如其人"的汉语解释   用"文如其人"造句
  • the writing mirrors the writer.; the writing reflects the writer.; the style is the man; like author, like book; the house shows the owner


  1. Lincoln's answer was also typical .


        书如其人:    like author, like book
        行如其人:    what you are is as important as what you do
        字如其人:    the style is the man; the tongue is not steel yet it cuts
        如其:    if
        其人:    comanche
        全文如下:    the full text follows
        原文如此:    sic
        原文如次the:    text is as follows
        声明全文如下:    the statement reads in full as follows
        刘其人:    liu qiren
        面如其心:    one's face revealed one's heart
        恰如其分:    to a proper extent; appropriate; apt; in appropriate measure; in just quantity; just right; just suited [becoming] to one's importance; neither more nor less than; well-measured; well-chosen; suit one down to the ground 恰如其分的评价 an apt appraisal; 作出恰如其分的估计 make an appropriate estimate; 举止恰如其分 deport oneself properly; 给予恰如其分的批评 give a balanced criticism
        恰如其份:    appropriate; judicious
        如其所好:    catch one's fancy; after one's fancy; as suits one's fancy; take a fancy to; to one's taste
        如其所是:    as it is
        审如其言:    what he says is indeed true
        突如其来:    come unexpectedly [suddenly]; arise suddenly; arrive unexpectedly; come all of a sudden; come as a shock; happen unexpectedly; (all) of a sudden; suddenly to come [happen; appear]
        一如其名:    as its name implies
        犹如其面:    all cats love fish but fear to wet their paws
        比利其人:    belgae
        不乏其人:    no lack of such people; such people are not rare.; not short of that kind of people
        观其友,知其人:    A man is known by the company he keeps.
        侯捷其人:    who am
        还治其人,反:    turn the tables on
        文汝骏:    wei rujun
        文荣健:    ken wen


        文如其人的法语:le style,c'est l'homme
        文如其人的日语:wénrúqírén 文(ぶん)は人(ひと)なり。
        文如其人的韩语:【성어】 글의 풍격은 그 사람과 같다; 그 글에 그 사람.
        文如其人什么意思:wén rú qí rén 【解释】指文章的风格同作者的性格特点相似。 【出处】宋朝苏轼《答张文潜书》:“其为人深不愿人知之,其文如其为人。” 【示例】他的文章像他的为人一样质朴、纯真,真可谓~。 【拼音码】wrqr 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、分句;指文章的风格同作者的性格特点相似 【英文】the writing mirrors the writer


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