政府: government公债: public loans长期政府公债: long-term government bond外国政府公债: foreign government bond中期政府公债: treasury note政府公债分期偿还: amortization of government bond政府公债的发行, 发行公债: issue of government bonds政府公债分期偿还(摊还): amortization of government bond政府公报: boletin oficial; diario oficial; gaceta oficial; gazeta zyrtare; government gazette; journal officiel; official gazette; resmi gazete; stjornartidindi政府公告: government notice政府公关: government pr政府公文: government departments; to stand in a white sheet政府公务船: public service ship政府公约: convention on governance指政府公文: white books公债,政府债券: government bond政府债务;公债: public debt埃及政府公报: journal officiel du gouvernement egyptien不丹政府公报: kuensel联邦政府公报: diario oficial da uniao柔佛政府公报: johore government gazette锡兰政府公报: ceylon government gazette政府公共工程: government public works政府公共建筑: public works政府公用事业: government utility; governmentservices