

发音:   用"政府代购"造句


        政府:    government
        代购:    buy on sb.'s behalf; act as ...
        政府代表:    government representative
        政府代表, 官方代表:    government representative
        政府代码及加密学校:    gc&cs government code and cipherschool
        州政府代付保费的计划:    state buy-inprogram; state buy-in(medicare)program
        代购:    buy on sb.'s behalf; act as a purchasing agent◇代购代销代营店 supply-marketing-operating centre; 代购代销点 purchasing and marketing agency; commission agency; supply and marketing center
        以外交部长为首的政府代表团:    a government delegation led by the foreign minister
        代购人:    purchasing agent
        车票代购处:    ticket agency
        代购代销:    buy and sell on one's behalf
        代购代销点:    purchasing and marketing agency
        代购代销店:    supply-marketing-operating centre
        代购定货:    indent sales
        代购订单:    indent
        代购订货单:    indent closed
        代购契约:    induit
        代购佣金:    purchase commission
        代购帐单:    account bought
        独家代购:    exclusive buying agent
        委托代购:    entrust(sb.)to buy; entrust(sb.)to purchase
        政府:    government 人民政府 the people government; 流亡政府 government-in-exile; 政府安排与失业者自谋出路相结合 government-provided employment opportunities together with job searches undertaken by the unemployed themselves; 政府办公楼 government house; 政府补贴 government subsidy; 政府部门 government departments; 政府代表 government representative; 政府公文 government documents; 政府公债 government bonds; 政府官员 government official; 政府基金 government fund; 政府机构 government apparatus; government organs; 政府机关 government bodies [organs, organizations; 政府贸易代表团 government trade mission; 政府贸易机构 government trading agency; 政府贸易协定 government trade agreement; 政府人士 government circles; 政府首脑 head of government; 政府援助 government assistance; 政府资助计划 government aid plan [program]
        政府,:    government
        代购代销收入:    income from purchase and sales commission
        代购代销支出:    expense from purchase and sales commission


  1. "政府大厦政府大厦"英文
  2. "政府大宗采购"英文
  3. "政府代表"英文
  4. "政府代表, 官方代表"英文
  5. "政府代码及加密学校"英文
  6. "政府贷款"英文
  7. "政府担保"英文
  8. "政府担保的对外债务"英文
  9. "政府担保债券"英文


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