

发音:   用"政府代码及加密学校"造句
  • gc&cs government code and cipherschool
  • 政府:    government
  • 代码:    code
  • :    reach; come up to
  • 学校:    school; educational institut ...
  • 政府代表:    government representative


  1. Gc cs , government code and cipherschool


        政府:    government
        代码:    code
        :    reach; come up to
        学校:    school; educational institut ...
        政府代表:    government representative
        政府代购:    purchase for government
        政府代表, 官方代表:    government representative
        州政府代付保费的计划:    state buy-inprogram; state buy-in(medicare)program
        代码及随机存取开关:    cras code and random access switch
        模拟代码加密器:    analog code encryption unit
        保密学:    cryptology
        以外交部长为首的政府代表团:    a government delegation led by the foreign minister
        政府支助学校:    government-aided school
        纺织品机织物组织代码及示例:    textilesweavescoding system and examplesples; textiles--weaves--coding system and examples
        拉丁美洲及加勒比地区学校建设中心:    conescal; regional school building centre for latin america and the caribbean
        政府中学校长协会:    association of principals of government secondary schools
        加密:    crowding; crypto; encipherment; encoding; encryption; infill; internetlawatch vol6,10::encrypting(intending); thicken; tightening; to encrypt; verschlüsseln
        改建及加建:    alteration and addition; alterations and additions
        代码:    [计算机] code◇代码变换 code conversion; 代码表 code table; 代码簿 code book; 代码程序 program in machine code; 代码错误 code error; 代码打印机 code typer; 代码读出器 code-reader; 代码分隔多路通信制 cdm (code-division multiplex); 代码分隔多路系统通路 cdma (code-division multiple access); 代码符号 code sign; code mark; 代码管 dematron; distributed emission magnetron amplifier; 代码间距 signal [code] distance; 代码检验 [计算机] code check; 代码孔 code holes; 代码熵 code entropy; 代码设计 code design; 代码生成 code generating; code generation; 代码图像 [计算机] code image; 代码位置 code position; 代码文件 code file; 代码系统 code [coding] system; 代码优化 code optimization; 代码转换器 code converter [translator]; 代码字 code word; 代码字母 code letter; 代码组 code set; codes
        密码术 密码学 保密学:    cryptology
        学校:    school; educational institution 学校办工厂 schools establishing factories; 半日制学校 half-day school; 工业学校 school of technology; 高等学校 institution of higher learning; 函授学校 correspondence school; 护士学校 nurses' training school; nursing school; 聋哑学校 school for deaf-mutes; 盲人学校 school for the blind; 全日制正规学校 full-time regular school; 少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school; youth amateur athletic school; 师范学校 teachers' school; normal school; 业余学校 spare-time school; 幼儿师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers; 职业学校 vocational school; 中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; 中等技术学校 secondary technical school; 重点学校 key school; 专业学校 specialized school; 学校学成年数 school years completed; 学校教育 school education; 学校图书馆 school library; 学校组织管理 management and organization of school
        政府:    government 人民政府 the people government; 流亡政府 government-in-exile; 政府安排与失业者自谋出路相结合 government-provided employment opportunities together with job searches undertaken by the unemployed themselves; 政府办公楼 government house; 政府补贴 government subsidy; 政府部门 government departments; 政府代表 government representative; 政府公文 government documents; 政府公债 government bonds; 政府官员 government official; 政府基金 government fund; 政府机构 government apparatus; government organs; 政府机关 government bodies [organs, organizations; 政府贸易代表团 government trade mission; 政府贸易机构 government trading agency; 政府贸易协定 government trade agreement; 政府人士 government circles; 政府首脑 head of government; 政府援助 government assistance; 政府资助计划 government aid plan [program]
        政府,:    government
        端加密:    end-to-end encryption
        加密,密码:    encipher, encipter


  1. "政府大宗采购"英文
  2. "政府代表"英文
  3. "政府代表, 官方代表"英文
  4. "政府代购"英文
  5. "政府贷款"英文
  6. "政府担保"英文
  7. "政府担保的对外债务"英文
  8. "政府担保债券"英文
  9. "政府担保债务"英文


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