

发音:   用"放下背包"造句
  • to take off a rucksack
  • 放下:    lay down; put down
  • 背包:    knapsack; rucksack; infantry ...
  • 下背:    lower back
  • 背包:    (行军或外出时背在背上的衣服包裹) knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack blanket roll; wallet; packsack 打背包 make one's pack; make up a knapsack; 背包电台 pack unit; walkie-talkies
  • 放下:    lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang


  1. He placed his pack on the ground and began to stalk the birds like a cat .


        放下:    lay down; put down
        背包:    knapsack; rucksack; infantry ...
        下背:    lower back
        背包:    (行军或外出时背在背上的衣服包裹) knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack blanket roll; wallet; packsack 打背包 make one's pack; make up a knapsack; 背包电台 pack unit; walkie-talkies
        放下:    lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang
        下背痛:    low back pain
        背包客,背包族:    backpacker
        急性下背痛:    acute low back pain
        下背部皮肤:    skin of lower back
        下背部疼痛:    low back pain
        下背侧角:    subjacent dorsal horn
        下背舌叶:    infra-notoligule
        阈下背景:    subthreshold background
        背包袱:    carry baggage -- have a weight [load] on one's mind; become a burden on one's mind; carry a bundle on one's back; take on a mental burden 你不要因此背包袱。 don't let it weigh on your mind
        背包架:    bag rack
        背包客:    backpacking (travel)
        背包者:    bag-packer
        背包族:    backpacker
        背背包:    to put on a rucksack
        打背包:    make up a knapsack
        日背包:    daypacks
        小背包:    little body pack; satchel
        下背部绑扎术:    strapping of lower back
        放下,降低:    let down
        放下,写下:    set down


  1. "放下;制定;兴建"英文
  2. "放下芭蕾腿"英文
  3. "放下包袱"英文
  4. "放下包袱,轻装前进"英文
  5. "放下包袱轻装前进"英文
  6. "放下笔"英文
  7. "放下不管"英文
  8. "放下沉重的打击,但我们整理出的事"英文
  9. "放下臭架子"英文
  10. "放下的襟翼"英文


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