

发音:   用"放下笔"造句
  • pen settle
  • 放下:    lay down; put down
  • :    pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...
  • 下笔:    put pen to paper; begin to write or paint 不知如何下笔 be at a loss as to how to begin writing or painting; 想好了再下笔。 think it over before writing or painting
  • 放下:    lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang
  • 下笔成篇:    write a composition in a stream; write like an angel; have literary acumen


  1. I shall resign the needle or the pen if it stamps me an exception .
  2. We can be sure that he laid down his pen with a final sense of triumph .
  3. Finally , i put down my pen and went into a deep sleep . .
  4. How many a time , after long labor on some piece of writing , brought at length to its conclusion , have i laid down the pen with a sigh of thankfulness


        放下:    lay down; put down
        :    pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...
        下笔:    put pen to paper; begin to write or paint 不知如何下笔 be at a loss as to how to begin writing or painting; 想好了再下笔。 think it over before writing or painting
        放下:    lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang
        下笔成篇:    write a composition in a stream; write like an angel; have literary acumen
        下笔成章:    write sth. logical, coherent, presentable, readable, etc. without the need for a draft; compose quickly, easily and well, without effort; anything off his pen is already well-composed
        下笔立就:    write with ease and forthwith completed; write off (without hesitation)
        下笔千言:    thousands of words flow from one's pen.; write with amazing speed
        下笔如神:    write like an angel; write quickly and powerfully; write as if with a magic pen
        下笔信号:    pen down signal
        不知如何下笔:    be at a loss as to how to begin writing or painting
        想好了再下笔:    think it over before writing or painting
        放下,降低:    let down
        放下,写下:    set down
        放下,储蓄:    put aside
        放下,拿下:    put down
        放下,送到:    drop off
        放下来:    let down; put down
        放下枪:    drop the gun and no funny stuff
        放下去:    let down
        放下手:    put down your hand
        记下,放下:    put down
        枪放下:    [军事] (口令) order arms
        下放下:    put down
        卸下,放下:    set down


  1. "放下芭蕾腿"英文
  2. "放下包袱"英文
  3. "放下包袱,轻装前进"英文
  4. "放下包袱轻装前进"英文
  5. "放下背包"英文
  6. "放下不管"英文
  7. "放下沉重的打击,但我们整理出的事"英文
  8. "放下臭架子"英文
  9. "放下的襟翼"英文
  10. "放下的起落架"英文


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