放下: lay down; put down某物: somewhat一口吞下某物: swallow sth at a mouthful放下某人的架子: throw off one's airs把(某物) 放下来: put down把某物放下: put sth. down放下(某物);下车: drooff困难地咽下某物: choke sth down swallow sth with difficulty把某物放下来: put down phr留下某物做为最后手段: have sth. in the bottom of the bag放下: lay down; put down 放下包袱 lay down the burden; 放下手头的工作 put aside the work on hand; 放下架子 discard one's haughty airs; come off the high horse; drop pretentious airs; 放下武器 lay down arms; 放下书卷 lay down a volume; 他没干完的事决不会放下不干。 he will not lay it down until it is finished. 电话铃响了, 她放下了针线活。 she placed her sewing aside when the telephone rang生下某人: give birth to; giving birth to somebody写下某事: to have sth. down只留下某人: leave sb. alone记下某事备忘: write a memorandum about sth扔下某人不管: sb. to his face下某人的决心: make uone's mind写(记)下某事(物): write sth. down放下,降低: let down放下,写下: set down放下,储蓄: put aside放下,拿下: put down放下,送到: drop off放下笔: pen settle放下来: let down; put down