

发音:   用"攻向"造句
  • lead up to
  • :    attack; assault; take the of ...
  • :    direction
  • 攻向弱牌:    lead up to weakness
  • 持续攻向对方球门:    march
  • 攻陷:    capture; storm 夺回被敌人攻陷的城镇 recapture towns from enemy hands; 该城被攻陷。 the city was captured by assault


  1. Then if you see your enemy going north , retreat them , and send five south
  2. The defiler himself led the vanguard , crushing all who stood in his way , determined to reach the world tree at the mountain ' s peak
  3. So a training combination using just a " tiger - claw " could simply be a fast non - telegraphed " cobra - like " whip to the face emphasizing speed ( your opening " gambit " ) . . . then a power shot " tiger - claw " using recoil , body english and follow through with the intent of blasting the assailants head right off his shoulders
    所以,一个仅仅使用“虎爪”的训练组合可以是:先用一个快速、无预兆的“眼镜蛇式”的鞭打动作攻向面部,强调速度(这是你的“开局” ) . . . . . .随即利用反作用力和身体的急速转动,以一种将对手的脑袋从他的肩膀上打飞打爆的意念,发出一记强有力的“虎爪” !


        :    attack; assault; take the of ...
        :    direction
        攻向弱牌:    lead up to weakness
        持续攻向对方球门:    march
        攻陷:    capture; storm 夺回被敌人攻陷的城镇 recapture towns from enemy hands; 该城被攻陷。 the city was captured by assault
        攻削结合:    combination of arrack and chop; combination of attack and chop
        攻下逐瘀:    eliminate extravasated blood by catharsis; eliminating extravasated blood by catharsis
        攻心:    make a psychological attack; attempt to demoralize (sb.); try to persuade an offender to confess 攻心战 psychological warfare
        攻下这一关其他问题就好办了:    once this difficulty is overcome other problems will be easy to solve
        攻心为上:    psychological offense is the best of tactics
        攻下塔朗多:    tarentum
        攻心有术:    pdf 189
        攻下派:    the school of attacking or purging


  1. "攻下派"英文
  2. "攻下塔朗多"英文
  3. "攻下这一关其他问题就好办了"英文
  4. "攻下逐瘀"英文
  5. "攻陷"英文
  6. "攻向弱牌"英文
  7. "攻削结合"英文
  8. "攻心"英文
  9. "攻心为上"英文
  10. "攻心有术"英文


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