攻下: capture; take; overcome这: this一: one关: close; shut其他: other; else问题: question; problem就: come near; move towards好办: easy to handle了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...那就好办了: in fact he is very easygoing大家齐心了事情就好办了: when people are of one heart everything becomes easy其他问题: other questions涉及其他问题: touch upon other problems关于药用植物及其他问题: expert groumeeting on medicinal plants and other issues - pharmaceutical industry其他问题不包括在内: not elsewhere included因考虑环境问题带来的其他问题: environmental spillover这个问题和许多其他问题纠缠在一起: this question is entangled with many others请你集中谈这件事不要牵扯其他问题: please concentrate on the business at hand and don't drag in irrelevant issues新药研究和开发中的其他问题: the other problems in the research and development of new drugs下这一注稳赢: bet on it问题就解决了: this way the third or fourth finger reaches over the thumb comfortably问题就在于此: that’s the trouble herein lies the trouble向他问个问题: ask him a question先要过我这一关: if you want it just get through me first又很难抛下这一切: it's so hard to be left all alone