撞: collide; strike; knock; bump ...伤: wound; injury被汽车撞伤: be knocked down and injured by a car肌肉撞伤: muscle bruise星形撞伤: star-shaped bruise撞伤及瘀伤: contusion and bruise撞色线步: contrast color stitching; contrast color stitching; cotton string撞上: beat against; buminto; dash against; knock into; plough into; run into; run upon撞色线: contrast color stitches; cotton string撞上(某人): knock into撞色耳仔: contrast deco loop撞上(巧遇): buminto撞色: contrast color; tip撞上, 偶遇, 违反: run against撞入跑进收进: run in